Urban Development and Improvement Division, Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism / Study of smart city promotion measures for solving urban challenges: A survey of lighthouse projects in the EU


Project description
The aim of this project is to gain suggestions to accelerate the establishment and diffusion of smart cities in Japan by studying the smart city measures implemented by other countries to build inter-city collaboration for synergistic effects.
Our studies focused on the Smart Cities and Communities lighthouse projects, Europe’s largest smart city initiative that boasts the participation of more than 100 cities. While conducting on-site interviews with the relevant departments as well as field surveys in pilot cities, we sorted out the institutional and operational mechanisms needed to advance collaboration among cities.
Technical features
The smooth collection of information on smart cities outside of Japan and implementation of on-site studies were possible by sending researchers with achievements in concrete planning and policy studies related to smart cities, and those who have visited more than 70 cities in foreign countries.

